"Hi I want to get a kid's tablet for my son on his birthday, more likely the coming Fuhu DreamTab. Can I download Disney animated movies on it directly? If not, how do I put purchased iTunes movie (under our home-share Apple ID) to it?"

Since Fuhu introduces its DreamTab for kids on CES 2014 last month, this 8-inch Android-based tablet has raised much concern for it's collaborated with DreamWorks. A great choice for your kids, as they can watch many animated movies like Kung Fu Panda, Monsters vs. Aliens, Shrek, Frozen, Planes, etc. on their own.
However, it's impossible if you want to stream iTunes downloaded movies to Fuhu DreamTab directly, because iTunes videos are protected by DRM that will not allow you to playback on out of IOS devices without an Apple ID.
But no biggie, I've got a simple workflow to help you roll off the DRM and transfer it to most compatible video format for your Fuhu DreamTab.
Basically, we need to get this Pavtube DRM Removal - a software can help you accomplish both the steps above in one go. Now Pavtube studio provides free trial without time limit; get one and let's start.
The mac version is available here: Pavtube DRM Removal for Mac. (Not compatible with Mac 10.8/10.9 and iTunes 11 on Mac)
How to put iTunes downloaded movies on Fuhu Dream Tab
Install this program on your computer firstly; note to shut down your iTunes firstly.
Step 1. Import DRM files
Download your wanted movies from iTunes Store; click top left two plus icons to import them one by one or from the entire folder.

Step 2. Choose format
Click the Format drop-down list and choose Common Video > H.264 Video (*.mp4) as the most compatible with Fuhu DreamTab.

Step 3. Adjust settings (Optional)
If you want to turn up/down file size, bitrate, frame rate and other settings, click "Settings" besides "Format" to enter the profile settings windows.
You can also check both source and target video & audio specs there.
Step 4. Convert
Back to main interface, hit "Convert" to start converting iTunes movies to MP4 format. It will launch your iTunes automatically and start conversion simultaneously. After it completed, click "Open" to quick find the converted files.
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